Patrilienal; tradition; income; gender; cultureAbstract
Gender inequality is the issue most frequently discussed at every meeting in every field. In particular, gender inequality is carried out under the pretext of implementing a religious tradition or maintaining local wisdom. The aim of this research is to conduct a phenomenological study of gender roles in the implementation of religious traditions in Kubucepatn Village. This research method uses a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The samples taken were 3 mothers from Kubucepatn Village, 1 village head, 1 trusted community religious figure. This research took 1 month with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and the instrument used an interview guide. The results of the research were further analyzed using a thematic review and then triangulation was carried out. The research results found that there were 3 big themes found in this research, namely patrilineal culture, maintaining traditions and income as a trigger for happiness. The conclusion is that there are 3 major themes found in the phenomenological study in Kubuaddan Village.
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